Uwe Gruenefeld is a postdoc researcher in human-computer interaction at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. He is fascinated by a wide range of topics around AR and VR. His research has mainly focused on visualizing out-of-view objects, passive haptics, usable security, and cross-reality systems.
Jonas Auda is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. His research focuses on enhancing the experiences and interaction opportunities within virtual environments. Therefore, he utilizes emerging technologies like drones, electrical muscle stimulation, or brain-computer interfaces. His current research covers natural locomotion, haptic feedback, and collaboration in VR as well as cross-reality systems.
Florian Mathis is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Glasgow and the University of Edinburgh. His research is in human-computer interaction, usable security and privacy, and VR. He is interested in exploring how VR studies can facilitate the implementation and evaluation of novel forward-looking prototypes.
Mohamed Khamis is a Reader/Associate Professor at the University of Glasgow. His research is at the intersection of ubiquitous computing and user-centered privacy and security. He is interested in understanding the implications of ubiquitous sensors, including XR sensors, on people's privacy and security, and in developing novel user-centered security and privacy-enhancing systems.
Jan Gugenheimer is an Assistant Professor at the Institute Polytechnique de Paris. His research focuses around upcoming social challenges for mixed reality technology and how to embed XR into the fabric of our daily lives.
Sven Mayer is an assistant professor for HCI at the LMU Munich. He uses machine learning tools to design, build, and evaluate future human-centered interfaces in his research. This allows him to focus on hand- and body-aware interactions in a variety of contexts, such as mobile scenarios, augmented and virtual reality, with special attention to building hardware and software prototypes.
Michael Nebeling is an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan where he directs an HCI research group focused on XR. His lab developed a number of XR authoring tools with support for rapid prototyping using multi-device interaction techniques and supporting cross-reality interfaces.
Mark Billinghurst is Director of the Empathic Computing Laboratory, and Professor at the University of South Australia in Adelaide, Australia, and also at the University of Auckland in Auckland, New Zealand. He conducts research on how virtual and real worlds can be merged, publishing over 650 papers on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, remote collaboration, Empathic Computing, and related topics. In 2019 he was given the ISMAR Career Impact Award in recognition for lifetime contribution to AR research and commercialization.